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Manish Datt , a Cigar Specialist started Kastros House of Cigars in the year 2000 in New Delhi


Kastros is one of the India's leading cigar specialists, offering the world’s finest handmade cigars, including Cuban cigars, as well as other famous brands from around the world. We are the official distributors of the J.C.Newman Cigars in India along with the sole distributors of patented Cigar Spa from Germany and the Elie Bleu Cigar Accessories from Paris.

We aim to provide everything the cigar aficionado will ever need, from an astounding array of humidors, to novel cigar gifts, stylish accessories and single cigars which gives you the opportunity to experiment with new brands, flavours and aromas.



Contact us for :

  • Any query on Cigars and Accessories

  • Cigars for large gathering

  • Cigar Roller for Events

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