Price aside, there are three major components to judging the quality of a cigar. One, flavor, is purely subjective. Flavor is the most important characteristic in determining which cigar you like. then comes the construction and consistency.
Tobacco’s flavor is derived from the soil and the climate of a particular location before it is harvested. Some Caribbean and Central American countries have soils very similar to Cuba’s, and although not exactly the same, they can produce tobaccos that are equally rich in flavor, strength and depth. But to be clear, because the soil imparts the flavor, nothing tastes like a Cuban cigar other than a Cuban cigar, just as nothing tastes like a Nicaraguan cigar except a Nicaraguan cigar. If you really think they’re better, it’s likely because you love and can discern the distinctive flavor the Cuban soil transfers to the tobacco. The soils of the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico and Ecuador each have their own characteristics. This is the beauty of cigars today. The soil in Nicaragua is also distinctive, though it’s worth noting that the late maestro José Orlando Padron called Nicaragua ‘the second Cuba’ when he first examined the soil for growing cigar tobacco. And all these great tobaccos can be masterfully blended to create a variety of flavor profiles. More significantly, the cigar industry outside of Cuba is very strong when it comes to investment, competition and talent handed down from father to son to grandson. There is great pride among cigar-makers who put the family name on the boxes.
With over 100 years of experience beginning in Cuba back in 1912, the Arturo Fuente cigar company remains one of the most respected names in the industry, and for good reason. Now handmade in the Dominican Republic, the legendary Arturo Fuente cigars have become the pinnacle of cigar excellence, boasting flawless consistency and unerring rich taste in a variety of premium cigar blends.
in 1912, the Arturo Fuente cigar brand was born in Ybor City, which is within Tampa Florida. Production was stopped due to a fire in 1924 however, a new factory opened in 1930. The Fuente cigar was made with Cuban tobacco untill the 1960's due to the embargo with Cuba. The relationship ceased and from then on the cigars have been made with Dominican tobacco.
Brick House by JC Newman Cigars. Founded in 1895, the JC Newman cigar factory is one of Americas oldest family owned premium cigar makers. One of JC Newman's earliest brands was Brick House, with the imposing brick house featured prominently in the label, JC launched this brand to honour his family heritage and his beloved childhood memories. The original Brick House cigars were Cuban puros, handmade with the finest Havana tobaccos. Third-generation cigar makers, Eric and Bobby Newman, have recreated this vintage cigar brand by blending specially aged Nicaraguan tobaccos with hearty Havana Subido wrapper leaves to match the rich, well balanced flavour of their grandfathers Brick House cigars. Handmade in Nicaragua.
Handmade in the Dominican Republic and Honduras since their inception in 1989, Gurkha cigars are dedicated to experimenting with blends to bring customers the most pleasurable and memorable smoking experiences.
Since the very beginning, Kaizad has followed a formula to create his cigars; use only the rarest and finest aged tobacco leaves, source them from around the world, take time to perfect each blend, and ensure that they present with a multitude of luxurious and unique flavors. Kaizad’s background in marketing has led them to create artistic packaging, and themes that affect every aspect of the cigar and the way they are presented..
Known as the 'Rolls Royce' of cigars, Gurkha cigars have become a leader in the world of premium cigars.
My Father Cigars are made by master blender Don Pepin Garcia. It is handmade in Nicaragua with a local long leaf filler and Ecuador-piloto Cubano hybrid wrapper with a Rosado Criollo shade. Considered as one of the best in the market, My Father Cigars boast coffee-caramel flavors with a long, cedary, finish.
Blended with old-world craftsmanship passed down from generations, My Father Cigars provide a rich Cuban-style smoking experience that’s second to none! The family’s passion for tobacco, superior craftsmanship, and Cuban traditions can be tasted in every puff.
My Father received an epic 91-rating from the Cigar Aficionado magazine in the April 2017 issue!
Made by Oliva in Nicaragua, Nub is available in a multitude of blends to suit any palate, and don't dare let their small stature fool you - these wonderfully constructed cigars will burn just as long as your other favorite full-sized sticks.
These short and stout beauties have a mission to accomplish, and that's to provide the 'sweet spot' usually found after smoking a cigar an inch or two, but immediately upon lighting. The innovative concept behind Nub Cigars was initially considered by many to be a passing fad. The cigar started as a mere idea at the Oliva factory in Nicaragua and then became an industry staple and unique in its presentation. In fact, a torcedor designed Nub cigars because he wanted to make a cigar that hit its sweet spot at first light, - short stout smoke with a big ring gauge.
The connection between the Oliva family and growing tobacco extends for generations. First cultivating tobacco in their native Cuba, the Olivas eventually left and created farms in many different countries in search of the perfect region to recreate the flavor of the tobacco grown in their homeland. Oliva cigars found a home in Nicaragua where they are currently the second largest grower of Cuban seed tobacco. Oliva has created many highly praised blends that have placed in the Top 25 Cigars list from Cigar Aficionado many times and have won the Oliva brand a huge following.
Valentino Siesto started the factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic in the year 2014. His dream was to create the "crown jewel" of the perfect luxury cigar.
Valentino hired only the best Master Blenders. Ensuring that every sheet that came to Tamboril was treated in the best possible way. He created a reserve of valuable and unique leaves that today enrich the production of Valentino Siesto Premium Cigars.
Valentino has made numerous investments in training qualified Master Rollers who make cigars with extreme care. Today, Master Rollers boast the obsessive precision with which they work.
Since 2019, the production of Valentino Siesto Premium Cigars covers an endless number of vitolas with incredible qualitative levels. You will find a variety of cigars for all tastes. Handcrafted one by one with great dedication and extraordinary precision.
First established in 1875 by Inocencio Alvarez and Manin Garcia, the brand was named after the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. During its initial inception, the brand won several awards for taste testing events that were held between the period of 1885 to 1900. This accolade is now represented by the gold medals in the logo of famous cigars like the Romeo Y Julieta No.2. The Romeo Y Julieta collection boasts a rich, full-bodied flavour alongside earthy undertones, all with the convenience of a smoking time ranging between 20 to 60+ minutes. The Romeo Y Julieta range is also ideal for the novice cigar smoker, thanks to its light to medium strength and toke.
One of the brand’s most arguably famous cigars is the Churchill Tubos, which was named after Winston Churchill.